The Mental Health Benefits of Making Your Bed


There are two types of people—those that make their bed and those that leave it undone each day. Many on each side have strong opinions about the relative merits of this morning ritual.

Some people would sooner leave the house naked than not make their bed. Others do it without even thinking about why—or even really realizing they are doing it. Some see the compulsion to tidy the bed as a sign of over-compliance or a lack of personality—and see the unmade bed as a badge of honor.

Then, there are people who believe that whether or not you smooth the comforter or fluff the pillows makes no difference at all, beyond the tidiness of your room. Others still contend that this habit can make a world of difference, particularly for your mental health. Let’s take a look at all these opinions and the research to support whether or not making your bed has an impact on your mental health.
